Anti-flooding protection of a historic building on the banks of the Seine.

Reading time: minutesParticularly interesting anti-flooding protection intervention carried out by 2 L’Eau Protection , a company expert in flood risk management and official Acquastop® distributor for France.
The engineer from the owner’s insurance agency called on 2 L’Eau to inspect a historic building located in the Seine floodplain, south of Paris; in June 2016 and January 2018, in fact, the river overflowed, flooding some areas of the Paris region. 

Water entered the building at ground level, enough water to damage furniture, flooring and walls. The owner’s team of consultants therefore wanted to study solutions to avoid similar damage and protect the structure from a future flood.

An inspection was carried out on the ground floor and in the underground rooms to
analyze the situation and interventions were suggested to manage the underground networks in order to avoid water rising from the pipes and air vents.

All the entrances were therefore analyzed to study solutions that would stop the water but which, at the same time, respected the aesthetic constraints and maintained the visual quality of the building, whose construction dates back to the early 1900s.

2 L’Eau Protection proposed the bulkheads of the Acquastop Classic® line, anti-flooding barriers capable of offering excellent protection from flooding, simple to apply and beautiful to look at; a presentation that fully satisfied the customer.

Thanks to the unique characteristics that characterize the Classic® series bulkheads, it was possible to install the barriers on various entrances and inside the atrium using the door frames as support, avoiding the insertion of permanent supports .

For the openings where the need to have support points for the bulkheads was found, the architect designed particular wooden lateral supports that integrate with the design of the structure; when the bulkheads are not placed the sculpted lateral supports keep the style of the building unchanged.

The bulkheads are kept inside the building, when a flood alert is received, the security team arrives and quickly installs all the protections so that this beautiful building, recently renovated, does not risk being damaged by the waters muddy and dirty of the nearby Seine.

2 L’Eau Protection has installed 40cm high Acquastop Classic® bulkheads , functional and quick to apply barriers, specifically designed to protect any home and environment from flooding, shops, gardens but also large buildings such as companies, sports facilities and centers commercial.

Each line of Acquastop® anti-flooding bulkheads has its own characteristics, designed to effectively respond to specific problems and needs. Request an inspection by one of our qualified experts who will analyze the situation and propose the most appropriate solution, even in the presence of technical or aesthetic problems. details.

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