Acquastop anti-flooding bulkheads to protect houses, villas, condominiums, shops and offices.

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The wide range of flood protection systems may initially confuse those looking for specific solutions, whether simple or complex. For this reason we wanted to create a simple guide to help you choose the Acquastop bulkhead best suited to your needs for those who need to protect homes, shops, offices , as well as rooms such as garages, sheds, cellars or gardens from flooding.



Width of the space to be protected . In buildings such as houses, offices and shops, the fronts to be protected are usually not very large; these are doors, gates, gates and windows which, in most cases, can be made safe with the use of single bulkheads. However, if the width exceeds 3 metres, several bulkheads must be joined together (as we will see later).

Permanent interventions on the building . Important problems are encountered in the case of apartments or shops located in historic centres, villas, prestigious buildings and, more generally, in all those situations where it is not possible to intervene on the building by inserting fixed guides, profiles or carrying out masonry works, due of urban planning constraints or for architectural/aesthetic reasons.

Positioning of the bulkhead . Some people find difficulty in positioning the bulkhead , both in managing the barrier and in the speed of its application. In adverse weather conditions, this operation can cause problems for anyone but especially for the elderly, children, women or in any case people who are not robust or with limited mobility. This aspect becomes even more important in those areas subject to frequent flooding, where it is necessary to place and remove protections frequently.

Irregular support walls . Other rather common complications occur in the absence of regular support surfaces ; shaped or off-axis profiles require specifically designed supports, which can only be created by specialized technicians.

Acquastop Classic ® is the line of anti-flooding bulkheads specifically designed to protect houses, garages, villas, shops and gardens from flooding. The lightness and the patented EasyStop® positioning systemallow anyone to position the bulkhead quickly and correctly. This system allows the barrier, once placed on one side of the opening, to extend, covering all the light in the compartment and correctly compressing the seals.

Classic is an innovative barrier also because it does not require fixed profiles . The absence of guides and permanent masonry works preserves the aesthetics of the building and eliminates the risk of injury. A unique feature that has been the subject of many imitation attempts.

In the case of off-axis or irregular support walls, Acquastop technicians can create shaped profiles that adapt perfectly to the building, guaranteeing maximum water tightness. The profiles can be removed together with the barrier at the end of the emergency.

Classic bulkheads are made to measure . If the flooding front exceeds 3 meters in width, removable section-breaking posts are created which allow multiple barriers to be joined, creating a large protection front.

Acquastop Classic anti-flooding bulkheads are aesthetically pleasing . The satin finish, the corrugated panel and the precise construction allow the barriers to be placed pleasantly in any architectural context, furthermore they can be finished in various colours.

Extesa® has the same characteristics and quality as the Classic line but is characterized by its adjustable width . This barrier represents an absolute innovation because it allows you to independently adjust the size of the protection without the intervention of professionals or specialized installers.

Setting up the bulkhead is simple and can be done in a short time. Aspects that have made the Extesa ® ” DIY anti-flooding bulkhead ” one of the most requested Acquastop products on the market.

Extesa ® is also characterized by the EasyStop ® positioning system which simplifies positioning and removal operations.

Classic Swing ® is the solution created by Acquastop to permanently protect rooms from flooding. In fact, these are anti-flooding gates that avoid having to continuously position and remove the bulkheads. An ideal solution for areas subject to frequent flooding but which is also useful in buildings inhabited by people with mobility difficulties. Situations in which the positioning of the bulkheads can represent serious difficulties.

Classic Swing gates are also equipped with the EasyStop ® closing and locking device which allows anyone to enter or exit without difficulty. This patented system also allows the gates to open inwards, avoiding invading the space outside the property.

Classic Swing gates are also made with double leaves , when the dimensions of the front are large, or in all situations in which double opening is considered more convenient, such as in the case of frequent pedestrian crossings.

Integra bulkheadsare designed to protect those rooms which, due to their particular location, can be completely submerged. In these situations there may therefore be cellars, basement rooms, tanks, warehouses, underpasses with the need to protect doors, windows, vents and ventilation grills.

Integra bulkheads cover the entire access area, hermetically closing the entrance to the room. They are positioned and removed like a normal anti-flooding barrier.

Integra can also be supplied in the Swing version . Equipped with hinges and lock, it is a real anti-flood door.

Each line of Acquastop ® anti-flooding bulkheads has its own characteristics, designed to effectively respond to specific problems and needs.

Each access to the home presents different critical issues, which is why it must be analyzed and resolved individually, adopting the most suitable products and respecting all safety and ease of use parameters. It is therefore essential to always request an inspection by a qualified expert who will analyze the situation and propose the most appropriate solution. Acquastop technicians are trained and able to find solutions, standard or customized, even to complex problems.

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