Do you know how to protect yourself from floods?

We report a list of the questions we are asked most often, if you have other doubts or requests do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you in a few minutes!

An anti-flooding bulkhead , or anti-flood, is a removable, hermetically sealed barrier that is placed in front of building entrances to prevent water from entering the premises in the event of flooding.

The Acquastop anti-flooding bulkheads have brilliantly passed the tests conducted by the prestigious Giordano Institute which simulated their use in extreme conditions.

Almost all of our bulkheads are custom made . We have recently produced and marketed “EXTESA” , a bulkhead model that can be adjusted directly by the customer without the need for installers or specialized technicians.

Acquastop bulkheads stand out from other anti-flooding bulkheads for two fundamental characteristics : they do not require fixed profiles or guides and are easily positioned thanks to the exclusive patented “ Easystop ” system.