Acquastop carries out a protection intervention on the Delhi metro

Reading time: 2 minutesAcquastop, thanks to the Indian distributor Frontier Polymers, has carried out an anti-flooding protection intervention for the Delhi metro in India, making the Kashmere Gate metro station safe . At the beginning of this year, some stations of the Chennai metro were protected , a complex intervention due to the large size of the openings to be protected […]
Flood risk: types of flooding and damage caused

Reading time: 7 minutesThe flood risk is becoming very high and the damage caused is increasingly extensive. The problem is common throughout Europe, but in Italy it is even more worrying due to the territorial configuration and the not always optimal conditions of the infrastructure . The topic is very broad because the effects caused by climate change on the territory, and especially […]
Acquastop ® looks east.
Reading time: 3 minutes New partner for the distribution of Acquastop ® products in Japan, the company Kurata Industries Co. Ltd. based in Fukuoka , a city located on the island of Kyushu. We are proud to have concluded an important agreement that will allow the company to expand its market in Japan through collaboration with a company that boasts 100 years of […]
Acquastop ® anti-flooding bulkheads to protect farmhouses, country houses, farms, chalets and cottages

Reading time: 6 minutesFlooding phenomena in rural areas are triggered by factors different from those that occur in urban areas, the type of flooding is different and the progression towards normality is also different. Let’s examine the main aspects and tools to limit the damage. Unlike urban areas, where flooding occurs mainly due to water leaking […]
How to choose the right anti-flooding bulkhead for your needs

Reading time: 5 minutesIf you want to protect your home or business from extreme weather events, you may have considered installing flood barriers. However, it can be difficult to choose the right one for you. In this article we will explore the different types of bulkheads produced by Acquastop ® and guide you in choosing the most suitable solution […]
Acquastop Classic ® : the versatile line of anti-flooding bulkheads suitable for every need.

Reading time: 6 minutes The Acquastop Classic ® bulkhead represents a versatile and reliable solution for protecting residential, commercial and industrial buildings from potential flooding. Thanks to its flexibility and elegant design, it can be used in a wide range of situations and architectural contexts, offering an effective defense against water damage. MADE TO MEASURE Acquastop Classic ® anti-flooding […]
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