Acquastop has been producing anti-flooding bulkheads in Pisa since 1992

Reading time: 2 minutes The online newspaper QuiNews dedicated an article to our company. Water bombs and violent rainfall that quickly flood entire areas are now increasingly frequent in our areas too, as we saw last month with the flooding of the Arno river. Protecting structures has become a priority and today  anti-flooding systems are available on the […]

Extesa, the professional solution for those looking for a “do-it-yourself” anti-flooding bulkhead

Reading time: 3 minutesExtesa is the Acquastop professional anti-flooding bulkhead with adjustable width and “Do It Yourself” installation. Adjusting the bulkhead is simple, can be done in a short time and does not require the intervention of professionals or specialized installers.   A “do it yourself” anti-flooding bulkhead that is easy to assemble Today there are many people who are […]

Anti-flooding bulkheads that are simple and quick to position, thanks to the EasyStop system!

Reading time: 2 minutes Acquastop is a company specialized in the design and construction of anti-flooding bulkheads. However, the challenge that the company faces is not only that of making buildings safe from floods but the search for innovative “smart” solutions , practical and intelligent systems that allow you to quickly and easily position the protections when needed.   Not all barriers […]

Acquastop protects the Indian metro in Chennai from flooding.

Reading time: 2 minutesChennai  is a city in India, the capital of the Chennai district in the federal state of Tamil Nadu, of which it is the capital. Acquastop , through the Indian distributor Frontier Polymers , has ensured the safety of some subway lines in the city.   The anti-flooding intervention was carried out in January 2022, overcoming various complexities due […]

Acquastop anti-flooding bulkheads to protect shopping centres, industries and warehouses.

Reading time: 8 minutesBuildings such as warehouses, companies and shopping centers have numerous large and small entrances which each represent critical points subject to water ingress. Acquastop ® has created products capable of protecting each of these entrances. In this article we will present a summary of the main solutions.   From a structural point of view, buildings such as […]

Acquastop anti-flooding bulkheads to protect historic buildings and prestigious buildings.

Reading time: 5 minutesBuildings such as churches, museums, monuments, castles and ancient homes represent a heritage of inestimable value and flooding, especially for these properties, constitutes one of the most devastating destructive events. Protecting these buildings from flooding is a delicate intervention that requires professionalism and experience. Acquastop ® has carried out numerous anti-flooding protection interventions on ancient structures, creating reliable solutions, […]

Ten months after the floods, Nassogne protects its public buildings.

Reading time: 3 minutesLike other Wamme residents, the sports center of the Belgian football club FC Bande was also hit hard by the floods on 14 July 2021 which heavily damaged the ground and the bar. Today the club looks to the future, in recent days the municipality has completed the installation of the flood protection system carried out […]

Anti-flooding protection of a historic building on the banks of the Seine.

Reading time: 4 minutesParticularly interesting anti-flooding protection intervention carried out by 2 L’Eau Protection , a company expert in flood risk management and official Acquastop® distributor for France. The engineer from the owner’s insurance agency called on 2 L’Eau to inspect a historic building located in the Seine floodplain, south of Paris; in June 2016 and January 2018, in fact, the […]

Anti-flooding intervention in a purifier for the purification of water.

Reading time: 4 minutes Allowing the maintenance of the decanted water collection channel without interrupting the production of drinking water, a delicate and complex intervention carried out by the Belgian company Point Technique at the pumping stations of the Eupen dam of the Société Wallone des Eaux (SWDE). The collection channel has a diameter of 52m, is 82cm wide by 120cm […]